Dog Parkour

What is Dog Parkour?
Dog Parkour is a fairly new yet fast growing dog sport. It combines elements of human parkour with dog agility to create a fun activity that is accessible for all dogs and their owners, wherever they live! By using Environmental Features (obstacles found in the environment) to “get on” “jump over” “go under” “go around” etc. we start seeing the world as one big Parkour playground!

Dog Parkour can be done anywhere and is limited only by your imagination. Parkour is excellent to grow your dog’s confidence and overall fitness and can be adapted to any level of age and physical ability.

You can do it for titles (all online) or to spruce up your daily walks with your dogs! Teams can work in a wide variety of locations: indoors or outside, at home, schoolyards, parks, shopping centers, training facilities, and anywhere else there are things with which dogs can interact. It is easy to find locations and environmental features that fit the criteria.

I became a Certified Instructor with All Dogs Parkour (ADP-CI) in June 2022 (the first one in Canada) and I’ve loved teaching Parkour workshops since then! One of the things you’ll learn in the workshop is how to properly spot and support your dog while working on potentially unstable or slippery surfaces. Our dog’s safety always comes first!

As part of my training, I taught my then 2 year old border collie Djin the necessary skills to achieve his Level 1 ADP Title and you can see the video below. We have since achieved several more titles in the Regular track and in Ladders (video links below).

For upcoming classes or workshops, click here

Using my agility equipment in a non-agility way, we finished our level 2 title and qualified. This was so much fun!

More qualifying title submission videos:

Mick’s Level 1 in the agility field

Djin’s Level 3-1: in the house

Djin’s Level 3-2: dog run area

Djin’s Level 3-3: behind house

Mick’s Level 2: beside my house

Djin’s Level 4-2: Hasse Lake

Djin’s Level 4-3: Rotary Park, Stony Plain

Djin’s Ladders Level 2

Djin’s Ladders Level 3

Djin’s Ladders Level 4

Djin’s Regular Level 5-1: Shikaoi Park, Stony Plain

Djin’s Regular Level 5-2: Fitness Park in Stony Plain

Djin’s Regular Level 5-3: Pembina River Park

Djin’s Ladders Level 5 and Championship

Certified All Dogs Parkour Instructor

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