OneMind Dogs Handling Techniques 1


June 2020, exact days TBD

2 full days – outdoors on grass

Instructor: Gisela Griesser, Certified OneMind Dogs Instructor

Dogs have their own way of communicating. Imagine ‘talking’ with your dog in a language that is natural to them, rather than trying to teach them your language! The OneMind Dogs handling method uses our body language in a way that all dogs can easily understand.

In this seminar you will learn how to apply this for the 8 techniques most commonly used on agility courses (Front Cross, Backside Send, False Turn, Blind Cross, Lateral Push, Rear Cross, Whisky Cross and Reverse Spin). Learn how to execute these highly effective OneMind Dogs techniques – from the basics, all the way to sequencing in various scenarios. You will see where these techniques can be used on course and work out the best timing and handling for you and your dog.

While you may have already used many of the techniques that are covered in Handling Techniques 1, the seminar will help you see them in a whole new light!

Do you know how the different elements in your handling affect your dog? All OneMind Dogs handling techniques include elements of seven key factors to support the dog’s movement on an agility course and to make it as easy and effective as possible.

As a FREE BONUS: before, during, and after the seminar, you will have access to OneMind Dogs premium level videos for the materials of this course, so you can prepare, and review the techniques in greater detail.

The seminar is appropriate for handlers at all stages of training from beginner to master level. The dog must be able to sequence at least 5-6 obstacles. Only tunnels and jumps are used for the training (no contacts or weaves). The techniques will be explained and practiced in detail and you will learn to understand the dog’s perspective of running a course. Each student will advance at their individual level.

Cost is $360 for the 2 day seminar, 10am to ~5.30pm with a 1/2 hour lunch break




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